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Flower Shadow

Welcome + Bio

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to check out my website. I am a medical student graduating from medical school shortly. Thereafter, I am headed back to my hometown of St. Louis for orthopaedic surgery residency at Washington University. 


I completed a Post Sophomore Fellow Year at Brigham and Women's Hospital from 2020-2021. I enjoy research and desire a multidisciplinary and academic practice. On this website, you can find more information about the work I’ve done thus far, interests, and ways to connect with me. I am always interested in speaking about anything related to science and medicine.

Any political, religious or other social views are my own and do not reflect my institution. This applies to my website and any social media accounts. 

Exciting Updates

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In conjunction with my amazing colleague - Abdoulie Njai, the Missouri Orthopedic Institute and the School of Medicine set up the "Bridging the Gaps" outreach event. This event was aimed at middle- and high-school-aged students to expose them to orthopedics and hopefully increase diversity within the field. We had 72 students sign up in the first ten days- the vast majority of whom were URMs and female. 

See the KOMU article about the event below:

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